Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Recipe File

Hi folks!
I know... it's been a minute since I've posted anything. I've had a year or so of burnout, LOL! An incident, however, on social media has kicked me in the britches and made me come out of hiding.

It seems a trusted admin in a group I started a few years ago, left the group and took all our over 2,800 recipes along with her. She started her own group and took them with her. All I can say is I hope things go well for the new group.

The incident has left me reeling and not very trusting of the social media realm, so I am in the process of closing down the group and my page there. It may be a mistake, but for now I'm going with my gut on this one.

The biggest heartache for me was not losing the recipes (I have recovered most of them) and not even the loss of trust in someone (or some ones) I had put my faith in... but that the actions of a few have affected a host of good, trustworthy folks... folks I have come to consider friends... YOU folks!

So in this post I will try to link to my copy of the recipe folders in my One Drive account... so you dear readers will have access to them even after the social media sites are shut down.

Thank you for your support and friendship.

I need to make a necessary disclaimer... the recipes in the files are simply recipes that have been shared by canners and cooks from all over the US and even other parts of the world and some use methods that are heirloom, outdated by today's USDA guidelines, and/or using another country's guidelines that may or may not be the same as the ones you are accustomed to. Don't judge, do your own research, use the ones you are comfortable using. Use at your own discretion.

Click on the link Recipe Box and we'll see if this works.


  1. I'm so sad that you've had such a horrible experience. There are SO many of us that love your information and advice. Thank you for all that you do. Much love and appreciation from North Carolina.

  2. I'm so sad that you've had such a horrible experience. There are SO many of us that love your information and advice. Thank you for all that you do. Much love and appreciation from North Carolina.

  3. The good news is ya got your recipes! Thank you so much for sharing them. Shame on those that were less than honest.

  4. I was able to access the recipes easily, in fact I kind of like the simple way to see them.
    You can rebuild and make it all better than before, an opportunity!

    1. I agree whole-heartedly!!!

    2. I agree, too! Thanks, Granny!! (from one Granny to another!)

  5. I'm really glad to see you back here on Bloggspot!!!! I had been canning squash and shared pics in a canning group and had my rear raked over the coals...well my husband pointed me in the direction of your blog (yes my husband) and after reading your blog post on that, I knew that I was ok to continue on canning my squash!!! Lets be honest, that's one of those veggie plants that just keeps on giving!!! :) I hate that you had such a yucky experience on social media, and lost your trust in somebody that you had put your trust in!!!! I would love it if you took a look at my blog, and let me know what you think of it. It's just a little farm blog, with some random recipes, and crochet patterns. Thank you for being such a wonderful person!!!!!

  6. Thanks for gathering this up. So sorry you have had such an experience. I had just started following you a little while ago. Was looking forward to all I could learn from your page. Bless you for all this work and thank you for including me in this group email.

  7. Thanks for gathering this up. So sorry you have had such an experience. I had just started following you a little while ago. Was looking forward to all I could learn from your page. Bless you for all this work and thank you for including me in this group email.

  8. Thanks for gathering this up. So sorry you have had such an experience. I had just started following you a little while ago. Was looking forward to all I could learn from your page. Bless you for all this work and thank you for including me in this group email.

  9. So sorry for this happening to you. I would like to thank you for the help that your blog/ recipes have been to me. I have learned many things from your blog!

  10. What a horrible experience! No wonder you were MIA for awhile.

    SO happy you are back and looking forward to your post.


  11. Always go with your gut! The link works great and is so easy to use. Looking forward to learning more. Thanks for all you do! Darlene

  12. I will never understand the mindset of mean people. Life is too short to be greedy. Keep your chin up.

  13. I want to say that I am so sorry that this happened to you. I have always enjoyed your facebook page and your blog. I may not agree with every recipe but I don't have to make the ones I don't agree with. I want you to know that I have told those in my group that you a fine person and I believe that you are. God Bless you Granny.

  14. So happy to see all of the recipes here- had been a member on the Facebook page and went away on vacation for a week and came back and I saw the posts about you shutting the page down and was upset about it. Loved to be able to get ideas from all of the great recipes.

  15. That sucks. I love your information.

  16. So sorry for your troubles, but so glad to see you are persevering ....... I see that this note is posting
    as my daughter, Katy, but I found the notice on my fb page ......... Kathy Payne Thrailkille .........

  17. Really easy to use. So glad you are back!

  18. I wish you would name the person and page so I don't join it.

  19. I wish you would name the person and page so I don't join it.

    1. I don't feel right doing that, sorry. There was more than one person and I don't want to cause the same type of drama they caused... just tryin' to do the right thing with as few waves as possible. :D ~~Granny

  20. I had already thought you shut down the facebook page as I have not seen your posts in ages- I am so glad I got this one thou. Happy as all get out to have found you again.

  21. Yay! This is where I originally found you!

  22. Sure have missed your posts here on the blog, glad you are back. Do you still have your soap-making site?

    1. No, the soap site is no longer... still make soap and such for friends and family... but as a business, it didn't work out for us. Thanks for asking. ~~Granny

  23. Glad you're back here.. I really enjoyed this blog a whole lot more than I enjoyed the social media site.. You are truly an inspiration!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Just glad to see you typing again...xoxo


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