
Saturday, March 31, 2012

One Year Anniversary Giveaway!

One year ago March 29, Canning Granny was born... it's been an amazing year! Two months before, I had read a book that had absolutely nothing to do with canning, One Second After. It made me stop and do some thinking... and I passed it on to my dear husband and he read it, and it made him do some thinking... and so began our quest for more independence, more self-reliance, more sustainability in our lives... we decided to simplify our lives... at the time we were living in town, in an apartment, in a very nice apartment complex... I had grown up and lived most of my life in the country, but had got a new, wonderful job and it was a choice we made... now we were facing a different choice... to get back to a simpler lifestyle... were we ready? 

One of the first things I mentioned to Mr. G was that I'd like to get back to canning... I'd done it all my life, I knew how... it would be a good first step... He responded with, "Well, what do you need to start back?" A pressure canner arrived within a few days... An All American 15.5 quart... it was AWESOME... and I began immediately to can... it was January and there were no fresh vegetables and fruits, so I canned meat, chicken... shrimp... meatloaf... beef stew... and more.

One weekend I was in the kitchen doing my canning thing and Mr. G walked in and gave me a hug and said, "My Little Canning Granny! Hey, you should write a blog... there's your name, Canning Granny." Canning Granny was born as easy as that...

Since then, we've moved BACK to the country, bought a house and a little piece of God's earth, we've planted fruit trees, we've built half a chicken coop with plans for chickens soon, we've purchased a tiller and plowed up the front yard for a garden, we've started planting vegetables... we're honing old skills we haven't used in awhile like sewing, crochet, carpentry, gardening, pruning, and more...and we're learning new skills like herbal medicine and many other DIY projects... there is still LOTS to do, but we are enjoying this life to the fullest... our stress level has dropped and our enjoyment of life has risen... we once took weekends away to just get out of the city... now we're more than content to putter around the house and garden... Life is good!

This past year would NOT have been possible without you wonderful people, our readers... Words simply cannot express my appreciation and gratitude to you... I am humbled and amazed each and every day by your support and trust in me. Thank you is not enough, but Thank You nonetheless...

And as a token of my extreme appreciation, I have made a little something to give to one of you wonderful readers... Here it is... an apron with canning jars appliqued on it... Your very own Canning Granny Apron...I hope you like it. I had fun making it!

And here's what you need to do for a chance to receive this gift...

1. "Like" Canning Granny on Facebook, or if you already do, say so in your comment below.

2. Comment below, say "Happy Anniversary" or "I love you" or whatever you want to say. Please include your first name and last initial, otherwise I won't know who you are... if you are comfortable with sharing your email address in the comment section, include that and I will email you if your name is chosen, otherwise I will announce the winner's name on Facebook.

On Tuesday, April 3, at 7 p.m. (EDT) I will draw a name using and will announce the winner on Facebook... the winner will have 48 hours to respond by emailing me at with his/her name and mailing address.

Again, I thank you one and all... 

Let the comments commence!!!! 


  1. Of course I follow you on FB. I love your post and have canned many things from your recipes.
    Happy Anniversary!!!
    Patti T.

  2. Super excited to have found your site! I have made a quilt like that apron. Love the jar blocks!! Congrats on your anniversary!
    Melanie S

  3. I enjoy you on facebook and appreciate the interesting info you share. The apron would be a great prize! :-)

  4. I don't like you on facebook, I love you on facebook because you provide us with such great information. I love you blog and everything you share with us!

    Misti S.

  5. I love your blog and your facebook page! LOVE the apron too!

  6. I found you on Facebook and have referred friends! Happy Anniversary ~ I absolutely LOVE your blog!!! Here's to many more happy years together ;o)

    ~Sarah B

  7. Omgosh what a cute apron! So perfect! Congrats on your anniversary :)

  8. You are my favorite blogger on Facebook I have learned so much from you. You inspired me to beginning canning. I canned my first meat this week. Thank you for your page. I love you Canning Granny You rock!!! Happy Anniversary!! Evelyn Horsley

  9. I love your site! Happy Anniversary!

    Candice T

  10. Adorable apron, Happy Anniversary to Canning Granny, You are getting me started all your info u gave me was so helpful!!! Congrats!

    Perri P

  11. Happy Anniversary and I love you!!!! Here's to many more years!

    I would proudly wear your apron when I do my canning.

    I follow you on facebook and my name is Brenda Shepherd Schiesser there.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  12. I follow you on Facebook and I enjoy reading your posts! Happy Anniversary to you.
    Marita M.

  13. happy anniversary! after reading your message, i was amazed at what you have accomplished in one year! so happy for you and 'grampy'! ;) Misty W.
    Yes, I follow you on facebook.

  14. Well congrats on your one year anniversary!! You've done a fantastic job, enjoy all your posts on Facebook and look forward to all the great post that will be coming our way in the next year.

  15. Happy Anniversary! Yes i have liked you for a while now! Love you! Love all your blogging! Your awesome! Thank you! Jessie A

  16. Love the apron and love following all that you do on Facebook! Great blog as well. Congratulations on 1 year and hope that many more will follow. Please enter me in the contest.~Melissa C/Tilly's Nest

  17. I'm just in the learning stages of canning, its so wonderful. Thanks for the ideas an inspirations from everyone here.

  18. Happy Anniversary. I have found much knowledge from your page and found some more friends. For the past six years I have worked at trying to become more independant and find pages like yours to be a plus. Reading a book cant give what pages like yours do. Again Happy Anniversary and I wish you a many more. P.S. I love your site.

  19. Love the apron. Congats on your anniversary !!

  20. I have learned so much from you. Thanks for sharing. Jesse M. @

  21. Love your site and all the useful information. Like you on facebook!

  22. Lovin' you on Facebook and lovin' your blog! I used to raise chickens, grow vegies, can my produce and make bread by hand...many, many moons ago. Have been feeling the need to get back to basics and provide for myself so this is my year to step back to who I once was! I read 'One Second After' A heck of a read!! Keep up the good work, Canning Granny!! Happy Anniversary!!

    Mona M

  23. I follow you on FB. I love your posts; they inspire me to become more self-sufficient. And I think the apron is too cute! Happy Anniversary!

  24. Happy One Year Anniversary Canning Granny. Haven't been following long on FB but I love & repost almost everything you post. I look forward to see what you are up to for many years to come.Keep doing what you do cause it is great. Hugs & Love Arlene

  25. I surely do like Canning Granny!! I want to wish you a very Happy Anniversary and thank you for helping to keep alive a disappearing skill!!

  26. New to your site both on Facebook and the blog.. however, am loving both to pieces. Thanks for all the super de duper ideas.. I'd love to win the apron. Mine are worn out pretty much after all these years of baking and canning.. :)
    Marilyn B

  27. lisa k chefaid90@yahoo.comMarch 31, 2012 at 8:22 PM

    LOVE YOU both on here and on facebook. you have inspired me to do more and more. I just love the apron it is a piece of art.

  28. Happy Anniversary!! I follow you on Facebook.Happy I do.

  29. Joyeux Anniversaire ! I like so much reading your post on facebook, you always give me great ideas for canning ... and crochet lol. You're fantastic !

  30. I have "liked" you on FB. Yay!

    Love this apron - where did you find the vegetable-themed cloth? Hand made? I'm Sarah Quesada on your FB page, but must post as "Anonymous" b/c I don't use any of the choices below as ways to log in.

  31. I so enjoy all your information, I bookmark things then with daughter we try the different things with you telling us how, step by step. So glad you decided to be our Canning Granny., Happy Anniversary, doris W

  32. I found your Facebook web page and blog just recently, I really like both. I want to start making aprons again. I love yours. Maybe I'll be the lucky winner!

  33. Happy Anniversary. I just started following you recently on FB and here. I am enjoying your posts and comments. You and Mr G have some great ideas and adventures. I look forward to continuing to follow what you are doing.

    Kim P

  34. Happy Anniversary!! Love this site and enjoy you on the FB...I am April Reidl on FB

  35. Happy Anniversary! I "liked" your page over on Facebook last spring. At the time I signed up I didn't realize you'd just started it. Thanks so much for al the information you've shared & looking forward to more :) The apron is SOOO you

  36. What an AWESOME apron! Happy anniversary to you :)
    Lynn S(

  37. hi,my name is debra w.happy anniversary!! i found your site through a friend.i saw where she liked the page on the ticker thingy on fb.glad i checked you out.your page has lots of info and just plain fun!i can a little but nothing like you do.but hey i can't call myself a true southern country girl less i know how to put stuff up.ha.keep up the good work.

  38. I wanna be just like you when I grow up....I think I'm ready to grow up! Now the rest needs to fall into place. Congrats on being more self reliant and your 1 year!

  39. I love your facebook page. Happy anniversary! That is one very nice apron.

  40. I absolutely love you facebook page & your blog. Thank you so much for all of the hard work you put into your recipe sharing. Your thoughts on canning & preserving food have become a real inspiration. Thank you again & Happy Anniversary!

  41. Happy Anniversary! "Like" you on fb and enjoy your page. I have learned a lot. Also enjoy hearing of your adventures in the garden while mine is still under a blanket of white. Keep sharing your wisdom, trials and laughter! Shirley M. =)

  42. Happy Anniversary!!! Following your blog and FB has been one of the best web adventures. Thank you and many more !!!!
    Davie R.~

  43. Happy Anniversary, I have followed your posts on Facebook now for several months and I have learned many new things just reading what you write. I love your recipes and the tips on gardening! Mandy C.

  44. Reba F. I enjoy your blog. The apron rocks.

  45. HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY! Thank's for great ideas and I look forward to another great year. I liked you a while back Canning Granny. The apron is very pretty and appropriate for your Blog. Blessing's

  46. Love your facebook page and all the useful information you put there and here on your blog. It is awesome and thank you for putting so much time and effort into it!! Happy Anniversary!!

  47. Reba F reeb_4@yahoo.comMarch 31, 2012 at 8:43 PM

    I follow you on FB also.

  48. Happy Anniversary !!! I love reading your post. Oh how I miss my Granny wish she was here to can with me. My grandmother was "Granny" to everyone she knew. Keep up your wonderful post. <3 Carla T

  49. Happy Anniversary Canning Granny! You have the best canning page on Facebook! I enjoy your posts as well as your blog. It has been an inspiration for me several times. My name is Joyce Davis and I look forward to many more years together! :)

  50. I follow you on facebook. I love your blog and all the information, stuff you can't find anywhere else. Love, love, love!!!! Donna B.

  51. wow one year ..yahooo! I follow you on facebook and love it i am just learning to can and have learn alot from you ...thank you i look forward to your post everyday! "Happy Anniversary" and i love that Apron ! Diane W (

  52. I alread like your page on facebook (im Cerena al'Kamryn) and am inspired by your posts! happy 1 year blogiversary and may there be many more!!


  53. Happy Anniversary! I LOVE CG on Facebook! I'm so happy to have a place to get info.... my mom cans and has my whole life and I want to make sure I carry that on!

    Miranda E.

  54. ♥the blog! ♥the FB page! ♥the apron! It looks like my pantry shelf!!
    btw!!! love the herbal posts to!! You inspired me to delve deeper into herbal medicine!!!

  55. And!! Happy Anniversary!!!!! ♥

  56. I follow you on facebook and your blog. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you & Mr. G. It's been a highlight in my days lately, as some days are so very trying. I have gotten great ideas from you, you are an inspiration to many, I know. God bless you & Mr.G.
    Nadine O.

  57. I am a follower of your blog but don't do Facebook. Congratulations on your first blogoversary! I too am back to canning and a more simple life. kiddlady at yahoo dot com

  58. I have "liked" you on fb for a long time now! Happy Anniversary! I am having a blast running back through old posts. I just signed up for email updates as well. And that was BEFORE I saw this giveaway! lol I love your posts and I always learn something new.

    1. Well I suppose it would help if I left my whole name. lol
      Thanks for all you've done!
      Andrea Brandstetter

  59. I have liked you on facebook and I love your blog. Congratulations on your successful first year. Judy at Jones Acres.

  60. I love your blog and like you on FB. I would love the apron too! Happy Anniversary!

  61. Love the apron and all the things I have learned from your blog all ready.

  62. Happy Anniversary !!!! I love your post and love your post on Facebook were I also follow you. Keep up the great work & Thank you so much for sharing with us all.
    Charlotte B

  63. SO glad I found your site on facebook Canning Granny,I have gotten so many idea's from you and hope to do some canning this year, I did some green bean's last year. Happy anniversary and thanks for all the info and hard

  64. I already follow you on facebook, You give me insperation to get myself back out into the country again where I can garden and can and raise chickens again. Blessings!
    Debbie S.

  65. I have learned so much from your posts on FB! Hehe,I like to call you "Canny Granny"! Thanks!

  66. Of course I follow you on FB!!....I found you there, first!! I love your site and want to wish you a very happy 1 year anniversary!!

  67. as a canner, i have learned to think outside the box with your site. i hope u have many more anniversaries. god bless. love your apron. next one "think out of the box with canning. love you
    bonny cloud

  68. Love you Granny! Told Sue Harris I wish we three could meet one day. What fun!
    Ps...Apron is Fabulous!!! You light up my fb!
    Congratulations on a fabulous year!

  69. I love you Canning Granny! I "like" you on Facebook, and love the retro pics you post. They remind me of my childhood. Please enter me! Kathy O'Gorman

  70. Well, I am fairly new to your blog/facebook but I am totally hooked on you! I love your posts and your pictures are downright inspiring! Thank you for all that you share and for the time you put into your blog/fb. :) Sincerely, Grace J.

  71. I wasn't going to enter, but saw the pic of the apron, & I LOVE it! I really look forward to learning something new every day from your Facebook page....Nugget J.

  72. Congratulations!!!! Happy Anniversary.......I love all your posts on Facebook!!!
    Jewell Gardner.

  73. Happy First Annive!rsary Canning Granny!!! I have liked you on FB for quite a while now. Always timely with new recipes and pics. I have learned so much. I took up canning 2 years ago after my mother died. I'm her legacy and have made countless jars of mayhall and muscadine jellies. Pickled okra and two varieties of pickles. One sweet and crunchy in texture and the other is a cajun bread and butter. All my family and friends enjoy receiving such treasures. I love the apron and would be proud to wear it while producing Mom's heirloom preserves. I also took up making wine from my stepfather's family recipe. So here's to your continued success. My name is Nancy Earl.

  74. Canning Granny you post the best things on FB! I follow you every day...and I LOVE, LoVe,LovE this are so dang creative! Have a Great Anniversary!
    ~Alison Maloney

  75. I actually found you on Facebook and liked your page and then began to follow your blog.
    I've learned quite a bit about canning from you the past few months - this will be my first year canning. We have a big garden going this year, and I can't wait to start preserving our bounty! I love your story - sounds a lot like my husband and I. I'm going to check out that book too! Happy Anniversary! I look forward to learning and sharing with you during the years to come!
    Ann Hare

  76. Happy Anniversary! You have a great page that I have looked so much from. I love checking FB everyday for your comments and jokes. Here's to many more years!!!!

    Suzanne Hoffman (Homemade Living Frugally)

  77. I am a Facebook follower and love your recipes!
    This apron would match a quilt that I am making for my best friend!

  78. Happy First Anniversary, Canning Granny. I'm so proud of you to have taken that huge step to follow your dreams and to be blogging about it, too. I felt so very good reading your story. I am curious to find out what book it was that you read that caused this change in direction?

    Words, blogs, and books are powerful influencers. Looking forward to see what you have to share in your second year.
    Cheers, Chris from Joybilee Farm

  79. I follow you on facebook and look forward to seeing your posts, Happy Anniversary!!

  80. I love you. Thank you for all the advice

  81. Happy Anniversary, Pam! You have helped a lot of ppl! Great job! I know a special lady looking down at her daughter with a lot of pride & joy. God bless! Denise R.

  82. YAY for you guys, on all the above: anniversary, new life, getting back to the country, what a dream. I'm semi new to your blog, but am in love. Keep on w/ the canning!!!! - Renee V. (

  83. Happy 1sy anniversary. I really love following you on FB and your blog. I would really like this apron also.

  84. I love your blog! Congratulations on your anniversary!

  85. I like Canning Granny on facebook!

  86. Canny please try and win this? I woul frame it since it is so beautious!

  87. Happy Anniversary!!!! Also I am happy that I found you on facebook. Looking forward to spend the next years with you!!!

  88. I follow you on facebook. I am going to follow your blog after this comment. Happy Anniversary

  89. Barbara A. - Wing Shadow FarmMarch 31, 2012 at 10:43 PM

    Canning Granny, Congrats on your one year anniversary! That is quite an accomplishment, along with all the changes you and your hubby instituted in your lives. I enjoy your FB page and the interesting conversations there. I don't have a pressure canner yet but one of these days... :-)

  90. I'm a Facebook follower trying to learn all about canning. Thank you! Cara s.

  91. I already follow you on fb!! You rock! Congrats and happy anniversary! Becky Green

  92. Happy Anniversary. Thanks for all of the help and advice. I enjoy canning your recipes.

  93. I like you on FB and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ...... and great job on the apron

    Colleen D

  94. I have liked you on facebook for quite some time. Happy Anniversary and congratulations on all you have accomplished. I appreciate all that you share with us everyday! This apron is simply adorable :-) Patti Keil


  95. I've been a Facebook friend awhile. Love your posts! Happy anniversary!! Tina D.

  96. Happy. Anniversary! !! I like you on fb! Thanks for all you do and keep posting on fb! I posted once before but did show up. Not sure why? Love the apron! You have introduced me to many other bloggers. All of you have been such a blessing. Thank you!!
    Christa Miller
    christarmiller at gmail dot com

  97. Happy Anniversary. I liked you on face book and look forward to another year!

  98. I LOVE YOU GRANNY!! and I LOVE YOU ON FACEBOOK!! I am so happy I found you on Facebook. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY CANNING GRANNY may you have many more, GOD BLESS =)
    Cheryl M

  99. Happy Anniversary!! Follow you on FB and love all the info you so kindly share!! Lori S.

  100. Granny,

    I not only like your page on Facebook, I LOVE it! Happy Anniversary Granny!

    Much love, Jami F.

    Go Granny, Go Granny, Go Granny!

  101. Happy Anniversary Granny. I like you on fb and have used many of your recipes. You did a great job on the apron. Would love to have it and would wear it proudly...

  102. Happy anniversary to you and Mr. G. Here's to many more years on FB.

  103. I already like you on Facebook! Happy Anniversary Canning Granny! I have enjoyed your posts!

  104. Your facebook page is one I read everyday! One of my favorites! I'm so glad I've found you =) Happy Anniversary! Here's to many more!

    ~Love, Lorri Smith - skibums @ iname . com

  105. I like you on facebook too, but am fairly new there, and wanted to say Happy Anniversary! Loved reading your story about how you got started doing this. Best Wishes!
    ~~Leslie F.
    intrepidsoulmate @ yahoodotcom

  106. Happy Anniversary...and of could I help myself...I liked you the moment I found you!

  107. Happy Anniversary! I love your page! I hope to learn a lot about canning from you! Best of luck in year 2!

  108. I love your posts and share them sooo often. Very informative, many of my friends now follow you all the way from Williamsburg Va! Name is Zina Stokes

  109. granny i found you threw face book and haven't look back since -- you have been a inspiration to me --- you let us be a part of your family and the hospitality is awesome i couldn't feel more like home if i tried for a network page ---and we thank you more than you thank us --- i feel when i read your blog the comfort to go ahead and not be scared to at least try to cook or cann is a great feeling of accomplishment threw your eyes --- i also like the history post or nostalgia you share with us its so much fun looking back at time i otherwise wouldn't have thought off- as well as everything else you have to share with us and your knowledge --- again thank you @ mr. g for your hospitality <3 cheryl sigler on fb

  110. Absolutely follow you on FB - you are a source of great information for me - thank you! Love you! And that apron is adorable! Lisa Smith - FL.

  111. I love seeing your post on FB. You have pushed my inspiration in canning and self-sustaining approaches! I wish you the best and look forward to more of your wonderful insights and links!! Martika Hooper - MD

  112. Congrats on your 1st year anniversary!! I love following you on Facebook.
    Claire D.

  113. Congratulations on your anniversary, I actually found you on Face Book & then jumped to your blog as soon as I could after reviewing your FB posts. I Love it, I was so happy to find someone that cans something besides jams & jelly. Keep the posts coming, both here & FB. I am looking forward to many many more exciting things. I love the apron, especially the jars of veggies on it. Awesome...
    Sharon Duf

  114. Hey granny..the best part of you is the old pictures..well not JUST the old pictures...but I love that kind of stuff...and I called my grandmother *Granny* and I wish my grandbrats called me granny--but they call me Abba--long story--but it evolved from GRANNY!

  115. Happy Anniversary!! What a GREAT apron! Thank you for the chance! I just started canning last year, my first batch was a disaster, but I keep trying!
    Delle Sherer in SC : )

  116. I like you on Facebook, and I would be honored to wish you a Happy Anniversary! It's been a joy to read your posts since I found you on Facebook! Congrats on the changes you have made, I think you did very well for yourself!
    Toni S

  117. I follow you on FB and love you! The apron is adorable. Happy Anniversary!!! Melanie G

  118. Happy Anniversary to a great page! I have canned for years, but the same old things. You have opened my eyes to canning more of a variety of things. It is easy to follow you on facebook and I look forward to more recipes.

  119. I want to win a apron. I love your FB comments and your blog. You have taught me so much it is really unreal. And for that I would like to thank you so much. You inspire me more than I can express. Have a great and wonderful day.... Gina Cromer ( (Cromers Farm and Coop).

  120. Happy Anniversary and Congratulations! I love your story, your posts on facebook and your blog. I hadn't canned in years and I truly loved doing it. It is so rewarding to hear the ping of the lids and see the beauty you created in a jar. <3 and hugs!

  121. Happy Anniversary!! I love the story of how you got started as Canning Granny. Great to hear about people successfully going back to a simpler life. I love you on Facebook.
    Patty R

  122. happy anniversary! its also an anniversary for us readers who follow you daily.
    bonny cloud

  123. LOve LOVE your page! And Happy Anniversary! I used to can a lot, and still have all my things! I think the Apron is great! You've given me lots of ideas I never thought of!
    Thanks so much! Deb E

  124. Happy Anniversary!!

  125. I enjoy your posts and liked your page a while back, Happy Anniversary! Gail D.

  126. Happy Anniversary Granny.We always enjoy reading your blog and like the facebook page as well.Wishing you all the best.Steve and Michelle from Divine Destiny Farm.

  127. I love your blog. I can regularly, and love new ideas. Sometimes I look and think I never thought of that.

  128. Of course I like you on facebook.... love reading your posts....
    Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bev M

  129. Love your page! Like you on FB...Nan Bixby

    Happy Anniversary and thank you.

  130. Happy Anniversary! I so enjoy your blog. We live in a city now but I am able to have a small garden. Our retirement plans include acreage in the country and a bigger garden and a little more self sufficiency. Thank you for the opportunity to win that nifty apron. Tami Pollard

  131. I look forward to posts on FB everyday. Like you, I am going back to rediscover my roots and my great nephew (lives with me) along for the ride. Put in raised beds, got a pressure canner, and dehydrator. It's past time to teach the next generation or none will know how... Thanks for sharing, and helping us all to learn and remember!

  132. Happy Anniversary!! I just found you a few days ago on Facebook, and I'm really liking what I see- can't say I love you yet, but on my way (love takes time, lol) I'd love you quicker if I had a nice, new apron as a gift! ;)

  133. I follow you on FB!!! DUH, who doesn't? :)

  134. Love me some Canning Granny, yo!!!
    Cindy Clarke here

  135. "Happy Anniversary" ..I love your blog as well as your facebook posts.. Gina L

  136. Happy Anniversary! This is also the 23rd anniversary of my first date with my husband. Thanks so much for all the help you have given me. Reading your blog is always one of the highlights of my day.
    Janice Lam

  137. You are my hero! Thank you for all the great ideas and recipes.

  138. I love you on Facebook, and LOVE this apron. Also love your sense of humour. lol
    Laurie S

  139. Sherry K .... retired after 37 years teaching and have gotten back to the things i used to do too .... have shared your FB with all our fellow canners at purdue ext. lake county northern ind. ... am passing on canning and gardening knowledge on to my daughter (in law) ... thanks for all your hard work and info .... xoxoxo s

  140. Happy Anniversary Canning Granny!!! I DO LOVE YOUR PAGE~~you have helped me out a lot with my canning~~good advice!!!

  141. Happy Anniversary Canning Granny!! I love your page,you have helped me a lot in getting started canning~~some Great Advice too!!

  142. I "liked" Canny Granny previously on Facebook:) I love you and your posts! So fun to follow;) That is the cutest apron! I would love to wear it during canning season!

  143. Happy Anniversary Granny...found you via Prepper Chicks and am now following you on FB!

  144. Happy Anniversary!!! I like you on Facebook quite some time ago! I truly enjoy your blog and am very grateful I found you. You are so full of information that we need! Thank you so much for creating this blog! Blessing my friend, Stephanie M. at An Ever Grateful Heart.

  145. I have already "liked" you on Facebook. I love all your posts. Happy Anniversary!

  146. I have always like your blogs. Happy Anniversary. I am so glad you decided to share your knowledge, it has been an enjoyment to read.

  147. Nicole C.... Love your blog....found you on Facebook and your ideas and recipes have inspired me to go back to canning, gardening, etc.... Thank you!!!!

  148. I have been following you since last summer when my mom started to teach me to can!!! So glad I found you here!! Happy Anniversary!!! Hopefully many more years to come :)

    Sarah LeMaster from Indiana

  149. You Know you da bomb Hugs.. Happy Anniversary ..this is Lynn from little this lttle that tidbits didn't know if you would know who Winny b is hehe

  150. This comment has been removed by the author.

  151. Too many recipes,not enough time,LOVE It! YES I CAN!!

  152. Happy Anniversary! I just found you (liked)on FB the other day, wish I had found you sooner :)

  153. Just started following you, love the blog and your posts on facebook. Happy Anniversary!!!
    Connie G.

  154. Congratulations, Cyber-Sis, on your one year anniversary! Woo-Hoo! You're such a blessing and inspiration to so many of us who are working to "get the rust out" or are expanding on our skill building to become more self-reliant. Keep up the good work ... and you know I love the apron since I'm an apron wearing Mama! :) And by the way, I can't wait until you get your chickens!

  155. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I love the site and can't wait to see what the next year brings. Oh, and I like you on FB!

    stacie and adam AT gmail DOT com

  156. Happy Anniversary! <3 There are so many entries! Wow!!

    Carrie M. Hammond

  157. I also am a "Canning Grannie". Love you on Facebook, look forward to your posts. You can never stop learning. Your info is great and I pass it on to the younger people I am helping to learn the "old ways". Keep up the good work. The apron would be a great addition to my kitchen.

  158. I've been following your blog on fb for a while now. Keep up the great work! Happy Anniversary !!!!!!
    Linda S. T.

  159. Happy Anniversary!! I love following you daily, I've been learning alot. Thanks for this opportunity!
    Brenda A.

  160. Happy Anniversary!!!! & many more too ;)

    I'm new to canning, etc. so new in fact that I'm still in the prep stage & found you on FB (yes, I liked you there)... Think I might have pinned you on Pinterest too :)

    Derbyshire, UK

  161. I just found your blog recently and love it. Happy Anniversary! I just liked you on FB as well. I would love to win this apron!!

    Rebecca N.

  162. I liked you on FB and Happy Anniversary. Great Blog! Keep it up! :)
    Elizabeth McIn (FB name)

  163. Your awesome. I found you from a friend on pintrest and started following you on Facebook.

    Andi H.

  164. I'm a passionate canner, too!

    Canner Joann

  165. Happy Anniversary!
    James N Lu

  166. Happy Anniversary and THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO! Although my mother and grandmother canned for years, I am new to canning. Yes I should have paid attention to what they were trying to teach me when I was younger. BUT now that I'm older, I have grown to really appreciate it. Thanks for all the facebook posts and I look forward to learning more from you!!
    OH, and I LOVE THE APRON!!
    Angela Pekar

  167. Happy anniversary!

  168. Happy Anniversary!!! I enjoy your posts everyday!!!!

  169. I like you on Facebook!!

  170. I am Granny too pleased to meet you. Happy Blogging Anniversary.

  171. :) Happy Anniversary, dear! You KNOW I 'like' you! Bwahahaha!

  172. Hi Canning Granny,

    I just found your Facebook Page today and love it! I especially like all of your nostalgic pictures! Great job, keep up the good work...very cute apron too!

    Barbara Gabriel

  173. Happy Annivsary!!! Love the blog and your FB paged. Liked you on FB and am following your blog! Blessings!!

  174. I just found you this past week on FB and am new to canning jams and jellies as of this past summer. Love what I see on your FB page already and will be following for sure. Happy Aniversary!

    Lina K.

  175. I am so happy to wish you a very happy anniversary! I am so glad you decided to go back to canning. I have learned alot from your blog.

  176. Happy Anniversary!

    I've only been following your blog for a short time, but I've gone back and read a lot of your posts.

    Hope you have more wonderful years to come with your blog.

  177. Happy Anniversary!
    I'm really enjoying your posts as a new follower.

  178. So glad you read that 1st book. What was it? Thank you for all your blogging!! Happy Anniversary and wishes for many more!!
    Heather B -

  179. Happy Anniversary! Can't wait to explore this site some more (I just found you!) Veronica M

  180. "Happy Anniversary" - and I love keeping up with your blog. If I win you can reach me at: Hugh B - hblair at gmail dot com.

  181. Happy Anniversary! I enjoy following your blog, it's great to hear tips and ideas! Karen S

  182. Happy Anniversary! I have liked "Canning Granny" on FB. I enjoy this blog very much. Blessings to another year blogging! My email is

  183. happy anniversary!!! I have been following you a couple of months now on FB, and I love the things you share!!! Thanks for taking the time to share these nuggets of great information!!

  184. You are a never ending wealth of information! I love you on facebook and follow your blog AND your pinterest account! Thanks for being crafty and prepared!!

    Camille Rynd.

  185. I like you on FB and love love love following you!

    Thanks for all you do,

    Christy L

  186. Happy Blogiversary!

    Thanks for all you do,

    Christy L

  187. Happy Anniversary...blessings for a wonderful new year ahead as Canning Granny! Sis and I are already following you on FB. We promise to share the apron, if chosen! :)

  188. Congrats, Canning Granny!! I just recently found you on Facebook but thoroughly enjoy your comments and blog! I'm still trying to get my little piece of country but am doing what I can until I get there. Thank you for all the great recipes and encouragement!! (melarsen16 at yahoo dot com)

  189. Happy Anniversary!
    What a sweet apron! I follow you on Facebook, too! Great stuff! :)

    June B.

  190. you are fun to fellow on facebook Carol B

  191. I already Like you on Facebook! Happy Anniversary to you! It's been a great ride, eh? Best wishes!
    Marilyn L.

  192. Love your blog!!!! Already a fan on Facebook and shared you many times on my blog facebook page. Keep inspring us all!Tweeted and Facebooked!

  193. I already have the best prize! Liking you on Facebook and following you! Happy Anniversary... to you and Mr G! Now go to the "happy dance"~ Teri McQ


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